Pet Connection Game

Published at: June 16, 2024
Pet Connection Game

Found Words

The game will be refreshed daily.

Please visit our fanpage to receive hints – Pet Corner

Pet Connection Game Rules


The objective of the Pet Connection Game is to find and correctly identify sets of related pet-themed words hidden in a 5×5 grid. Each set contains four words that are thematically connected.

Game Setup

  1. The game board consists of a 5×5 grid filled with pet-themed words. Some words are part of sets of four related words, while others are distractors.
  2. Four sets of related words are hidden in the grid. Each set consists of four words.
  3. Nine additional words serve as distractors, making a total of 25 words in the grid.

How to Play

  1. Starting the Game:
    • Press the Shuffle button to randomize the words on the game board and start a new game.
  2. Selecting Words:
    • Click on a word to select it. The word will be highlighted to indicate it is selected.
    • You can select up to four words at a time.
  3. Forming Connections:
    • The goal is to find sets of four words that are thematically connected.
    • Once you have selected four words, the game will check if they form a valid set.
    • If the selected words form a correct set, they will be marked as correct, and the connection will be recorded in the Found Words section.
    • If the selected words do not form a correct set, they will be deselected, and you can try again.
  4. Found Words:
    • Correctly identified sets will appear under the Found Words section below the game board.
    • Each set of four words will be displayed horizontally in a block.
  5. Preventing Re-selection:
    • Words that are part of a correctly identified set cannot be selected again.

Game End

  • The game continues until all sets of related words are found or until the player decides to reshuffle the board.

Additional Features

  • Shuffle Button: Resets the game board with a new random arrangement of words.
    • When the board is shuffled, all selected words and found words are reset.
  • Responsive Design: The game board and found words section are designed to be responsive and work on both PC and mobile devices.

Winning the Game

  • You win the game by successfully identifying all four sets of related words.

Enjoy the Pet Connection Game and have fun discovering the hidden connections between the words!


  • Set 1: Dog, Puppy, Bark, Leash
  • Set 2: Cat, Kitten, Meow, Whiskers
  • Set 3: Fish, Aquarium, Swim, Fins
  • Set 4: Bird, Feathers, Tweet, Wing

Remember to think about how the words are thematically connected to identify the correct sets!

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