We Saved A Kitten, The Dogs Helped Us To Raise Him, And Now The Cat Thinks He’s A Dog

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Several years ago a kindhearted firefighter from Belgium came to the rescue of a kitten and then decided to adopt the animal. Since the man already owned dogs, he hoped that they would welcome the kitten with open paws. To his surprise, not only did they welcome the kitten into their loving home, but they also raised the creature as if he were a doggo himself.

The cat was named Azmael and now he is considered a member of the dog posse. He plays with his doggo siblings and even goes for walks with them. The two dogs are careful around the cat and ensure that they do not hurt the cat during their interactions.

An image of the three buddies was shared on the subreddit and people were moved by the bond that the two dogs shared with the cat. The photograph received over 77K upvotes. The pets Nimue (the Altdeutscher Schäferhund), Azmael (the cat), and Liam (the White Swiss Shepherd) can be seen posing in the middle of a road.

The firefighter had discovered the kitten lying in a puddle of blood on the road. The creature appeared to be seriously injured so the human took him to a vet. Fortunately, the cat survived and the firefighter’s family brought him home since they couldn’t find his family.

“On the very first day the kitten was at our place, we noticed that he had eyes only for our Swiss Shepherd. At first, the dog wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do with the little creature, but after a few hours, he decided that the kitty was a new friend. Later, he also became best friends with our other dog, Nimue,” Nathalie, the firefighter’s wife conveyed.

The family owns five pets and they all get along with one another well. Since the family lives in a small village consisting of forests and meadows, it is also an ideal surrounding for the animals to go on walks and bond together.

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