A tiny kitten under a desk sparks joy and a rescue policy at Ferray Corporation

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Ever wonder what it’s like to have a cat as your coworker?

Meet Sarah, who works at a place where her furry friends aren’t just allowed; they’re part of the team.

On a bright Monday morning, Sarah’s routine took an unexpected turn when she found a tiny, shivering kitten under her desk at Ferray Corporation.

A tiny kitten under a desk sparks joy and a rescue policy at Ferray Corporation 1
Source: Twitter.com

“It was just another day at the office until I heard a soft meow from under my desk,” Sarah recalls, her eyes lighting up as she reflects on the day she met Oliver, the kitten.

Ferray Corporation isn’t your typical workplace. Here, employees are encouraged to bring their cats to work and even get rewarded for rescuing them.

A tiny kitten under a desk sparks joy and a rescue policy at Ferray Corporation 2
Source: Twitter.com

“When I saw those big scared eyes looking up at me, I knew I had to help him,” she said.

The company offers about $35 for each cat rescued or adopted, a policy that has changed the lives of many cats like Oliver.

“It’s not just about the money,” Sarah explains. “It’s about saving a life and giving these wonderful creatures a loving home.”

A tiny kitten under a desk sparks joy and a rescue policy at Ferray Corporation 3
Source: Twitter.com

This initiative has sparked a culture of compassion within the office, making it a unique place to work.

As Oliver started to become a regular fixture at Sarah’s desk, the atmosphere in the office transformed.

“There’s just something about having him purr quietly beside my keyboard that makes the stress melt away,” she shared.

A tiny kitten under a desk sparks joy and a rescue policy at Ferray Corporation 4
Source: Twitter.com

The presence of cats like Oliver has boosted morale and fostered a sense of community among the employees.

“It feels like a perpetual ‘bring your cat to work day,’ and honestly, it’s amazing,” Sarah laughs.

The story of Sarah and Oliver at Ferray Corporation has captured hearts worldwide, inspiring other companies to consider similar initiatives.

A tiny kitten under a desk sparks joy and a rescue policy at Ferray Corporation 5
Source: Twitter.com

“Who knew that rescuing a cat could not only save a life but also create such joy and harmony at work?” Sarah muses.

In a world that often feels rushed and impersonal, stories like Sarah and Oliver’s remind us of the simple joys and the profound impact of compassion.

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